One expects people in the public eye to conduct their personal lives with a certain decorum 人们期望公众人物的私生活能检点些。
People in the public eye often have to deal with being misquoted and misrepresented, and it can be difficult to get a timely correction made by the original news source. 公众人物往往必须应对断章取义、误解歪曲等尴尬,而要让最初发布此类消息的媒体及时更正也很难。
One fascinating aspect of life for an executive in the public eye is that there are so few ways to learn the art of a graceful style. 成为公众关注的高管,这样的生活有一大迷人之处,就是可以借此学会如何行事优雅得体&学习这种艺术的途径可不多。
What is beyond doubt is that, in general, the aesthetic of ageing has changed, and that many women in the public eye are having extensive cosmetic work done, starting ever younger. 勿庸置疑的是,年龄化的审美现在已基本改变了,很多女明星们做了大量的美容工作,永远都不会变老。
It's the price you have to pay for being in the public eye. 这就是你在公众注目下所必须付出的代价。
Members of the royal family are often in the public eye and appreciate their rare moments of privacy. 王室成员常常公开露面,因而十分珍惜难得有的幽静生活。
Also far less in the public eye are Hong Kong's non-Chinese tycoon families. 香港的非华人富豪家族就更少公开露面了。
The best concealment for abuse was constantly being in the public eye. 掩盖丑行的最佳途径,居然是持续不断地在公众视野中亮相。
Adding his face to a number of endorsements, the pressures of being in the public eye have made him become increasingly protective of his privacy. 成为众多产品的广告代言人的他,身为公众人物可能造成的压力使得他变得越来越保护自己的隐私。
Being often in the public eye. 经常在公开场合露面。
She has spent most of her adult life in the public eye. 成年后,她生活中的一举一动始终在公众的关注视野内。
No stunt is too outrageous, no pose too shocking so long as it keeps her in the public eye. 只要能让公众注意到她,再肆无忌惮的把戏、再耸人听闻的姿态对她来说都不为过。
He has gone through this error-prone maturation process in the public eye, while also juggling media scrutiny and the unrealistic expectations of fans. 他在公众的目光下度过了这段易出错的成熟过程,同时在媒体的审阅和球迷不切实际的期待中勉为其难地支撑着。
The crowd gaped at the daring tricks performed by the tightrope walker. A film star is naturally much in the public eye. 观众们张口注视着走绳索人大胆的表演。一个电影明星自然是大众专注目的对象。
So peculiar, indeed, was her lonely, self-withdrawing temper, that she was becoming an interesting figure in the public eye& she was so quiet and reserved. 她那孤僻、内向的脾气的确太特别了,使得她成了公众眼里一个引人注目的人物。她是如此的文静而矜持。
Many cases in the public eye involve contracted or subcontracted detective agencies. 许多被曝光的案子都牵扯进了签订合约或转包合同的侦探所。
Standing by your man suddenly seems to be going out of fashion for some American women in the public eye. 在公众眼里站在男人一边突然变成不追求时尚了,对于美国的女人而言。
A film star is naturally much in the public eye. 一个电影明星自然是大众专注目的对象。
One thing to remember: over the next couple of months, you may be spending an increasing amount of time in the public eye, and your responsibilities are likely to grow. 有件事要你记住:接下去的几个月,你曝光在公众面前的时间会增加,你的责任也会随即加重。
He is in the public eye. 他为公众所瞩目。
They may have chosen to be in the public eye, but that does not give the public the right to know everything about them. 他们可能选择公开露面或上传播媒体,但那并不表示大众有权知道他们的一切。
The event was a tremendous opportunity for gays and lesbians to be seen in the public eye in a wholesome atmosphere that emphasizes fun and diversity, both cultural and athletic. 事件是一个巨大的机会让男同性恋和女同性恋在卫生气氛在公共眼睛被看强调趣事和差异,文化、运动。
To stay in the public eye, stars must continue to catch the public eye. 要保持在公众的视线内,明星们必须吸引公众的眼球。
They live their lives in the public eye and they get off on it, they need it. 他们就活在公众的眼里。,而且他们很喜欢这样,他们需要它。
Q: What have been the hardest and easiest things about being a single mom and being in the public eye? 问:做单身母亲和活在公众关注下,哪些是最难哪些是最容易的事?
But no, if I'm doing some commercial movie just to keep my name in the public eye, then it's just a job. 但是,如果我为了使我的名字不被公众遗忘而拍一些商业电影,这就只是工作而已。
Critics are beginning to wonder if the little girl is growing up a bit prematurely& and being forced to do it in the public eye, which certainly can't help. 批评人士开始担心这个小女孩是不是有点早熟,是不是被迫穿成这样在公开场合露面,当然这些担心也没什么用。
And the result is that women are still in the earliest stages, historically, of negotiating how to remain in the public eye. 结果是,如今的女性在寻求维持公众关注的道路上,仍然处于相当早期原始的阶段。
You were born to the purple, so you are destined to live in the public eye. 你出身皇室,所以你的一言一行注定要受到公众的注意。
It means dealing with stress hard enough anyway in the public eye. 这意味着他们要在公众眼皮底下应对压力本来要应对压力就已经很难了。